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This music video from the group Kalinov Most was shot on Kamchatka Peninsula. The material is copyrighted and is provided here only as an example of the beauty of the region. |
I can't believe it! I came all the way to Russia to learn tango. This video is from last Friday night in Vladivostok. One of my students there teaches dance with her boyfriend. I went to their class and taught them bachata in exchange for a few tango moves. Clearly, they're excellent teachers! Sorry I've fallen so far behind on my blog. I'll post more today about my trip to Kamchatka and my experiences here. In the meantime, enjoy! |
I've decided that short movie clips will show you Vlad better than photos, so this is the first in a series. There are two unsual things about driving in Vladivostok. The first is that all of the cars have steering wheels on the right, since they are imported by ferry from neighboring Japan. The second is that there are no traffic lights in the city! For a population of 600,000, this is extraordinary. Nobody follows any sort of rules and turns just seem to be a big game of chicken. The other thing you can hear on this clip is the music playing from loudspeakers strung along the side street. This is the street my hotel is on, and I've heard everything from this Betty Boop song to heavy metal from the 1980s. |
Here's a second attempt at getting some audio up on the blog. I'll try again with Skype and Audioblogger later today. |
This is a slideshow of images from 1971 that I found on Google Video. The description there is "We went on one of the first exchange trips from Alaska. Vladivostok was still a closed city requiring a permit to visit. The people were wonderful and very eager to meet Americans." I hope to find more of the same on this trip. Note: The music is a little overbearing, but definitely sets the mood. |